In 2010, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) in Glynco, Ga., was faced with a unique problem. And that unique problem led to Range E, a new (and quieter) approach to learning basic marksmanship skills.
One of the Glynco indoor ranges – a 50-yard range with 25 firing positions – was determined to have significant damage that made renovation as a livefire range cost prohibitive. At the same time, there was also a call for new ideas in training methods and a continuing struggle to do more with less while maintaining or increasing the quality of the training. FLETC Firearms Division (FAD) decided to look at how it could best utilize the range’s tremendous space in a way that could make it available for numerous other uses. This range (Range E) offered an opportunity to think “outside the box” and develop a new and innovative training venue on a grand scale that could potentially fill several vital niches at the FLETC.
Continue reading more about Range E in the Fall 2013 Edition of the FLETC Journal.