2024 Annual Awards Ceremony
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Gylnco, Georgia
Welcome to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) Annual Awards Ceremony, where we come together to honor the outstanding achievements and dedication of our exceptional personnel. This prestigious event celebrates the invaluable contributions and exemplary service of those who have demonstrated unwavering commitment to the mission of FLETC. Join us in recognizing and applauding the extraordinary efforts of our award recipients, whose hard work and dedication continue to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and excellence in law enforcement training.
Master of Ceremonies
Amber Reep
Deputy Assistance Director
Mission and Readiness Support Directorate
Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
Opening Remarks
Benjamine C. Huffman
Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
FLETC Annual Awards Presentation
Benjamine C. Huffman
Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
Kai J. Munshi
Deputy Director
Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
Greg King Instructor of the Year Award
Terry D. Page
Physical Techniques Division
Core Training Operations Directorate
FLETC Training Support Staff Member of the Year Award
Lynnette A. Rock
Cyber Division
Technical Training Operations Directorate
FLETC Leadership Award
Edward J. McDonald
Investigative Operations Division
Technical Training Operations Directorate
FLETC Team of the Year Award
The Law Enforcement Small Unmanned Aerial System
Pilot Training Program Development Team
Core Training Operations Directorate
Larry A. Brooks
Milton L. Kennedy
Troy W. Rowell
The Athletic Trainers, Physical Techniques Division
Core Training Operations Directorate
Taura M. Anderson
Alexander R. Hawkins
Lori C. Howard
Greg R. Marr
Chad I. Perkins
Chantal Pierre
FLETC Mission Award
L. Meredith Quillen
Office of Chief Counsel
FLETC Excellence in Customer Service Award
Louira A. Augeri
International Training Division
National Capital Region Training Operations Directorate
Carol K. Backman
Human Capital Office
Mission and Readiness Support Directorate
FLETC Innovation Award
Core Instructor Resourcing Division Team
Core Training Operations Directorate
Michael Christoforo
Gregory K. Hawkins
Corey Henderson
Jimmie L. Leggett
Christopher L. Sanders
Rock R. Smith
Carl M. Willis
FLETC Unsung Hero Award
Michael Klopfenstein
Investigative Operations Division
Technical Training Operations Directorate
FLETC Partnership Award
Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation Academy
Director’s Life Saving Award
Darby E. Best
Rebekah L. Tucker
Director’s Coin Recognition
Phillip P. Brown
Michael E. Creo
Greta Dozier
Linda N. Grant
Rickita L. Moonsammy
Closing Remarks
Kai J. Munshi
Deputy Director
Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
The Greg King Instructor of the Year Award is presented to a Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) instructor who has demonstrated extraordinary innovation, productivity, and creativity in delivery of the FLETC mission.
The FLETC Training Support Staff Member of the Year Award is presented to an employee who is not an instructor who has demonstrated extraordinary innovation, productivity, and creativity in support of the FLETC mission.
The FLETC Leadership Award is presented to an employee, regardless of grade or position, who most exemplifies or demonstrates leadership and exhibits the FLETC core values.
The FLETC Team of the Year Award is presented to the team that is successful in accomplishing a significant project or assignment in a manner deemed extraordinary or that required cross-directorate or external collaboration, coordination, and support.
The FLETC Mission Award is presented to an employee who has consistently gone above and beyond to strengthen external partnerships and implement processes resulting in overall improvement to the FLETC mission.
The FLETC Excellence in Customer Service Award is presented to an employee who consistently and substantially demonstrates an ability and willingness to work positively, respectfully, and effectively with others.
The FLETC Innovation Award is presented to an individual or team that promotes excellence through extraordinary innovation by playing a significant role in the implementation of a highly innovative idea that directly or indirectly affects an area or function critical to the FLETC mission.
The FLETC Unsung Hero Award is presented to an employee who makes positive “behind the scenes” contributions to the FLETC mission.
The FLETC Partnership Award is presented to a Participating Organization whose accomplishments and excellence in performance distinctly benefit the interests of the United States and advance the federal law enforcement community to safeguard the American people and our homeland while significantly enhancing FLETC’s ability to achieve its strategic goals.
Director's Life Saving Award and Director’s Coin
The Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) dedicates its annual Instructor of the Year Award in memory of FLETC Senior Instructor Greg King, Sr. Mr. King passed away on January 2, 2017, after a short battle with cancer. He served as a senior instructor in the FLETC Financial Fraud and Investigative Analysis Branch in the Investigative Operations Division. Mr. King was the program coordinator for the Case Organization and Presentation Training Program and the Internet Investigations Training Program, and was the assistant program coordinator for the Intelligence Analyst Training Program.
Mr. King’s tremendous influence as a law enforcement instructor was far reaching across the country as students throughout the United States attended his training. He instructed at the International Law Enforcement Academy in Bangkok, Thailand, wrote for the FLETC Journal, and was selected as the recipient of the 2015 FLETC Instructor of the Year Award.
On April 28, 2016, Mr. King was recognized by U.S. Senator Tom Carper of Delaware, ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, who made a floor speech highlighting his accomplishments as a FLETC employee.
This annual award is dedicated to honor Mr. King’s memory and legacy as he demonstrated the values of FLETC and the attributes of a truly dedicated public servant.
Read more about the 2024 FLETC Annual Awards:

The Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers is America’s enterprise resource
for federal law enforcement training.