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Partner Organizations


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  4. Partner Organizations
Organization AcronymOrganization
AFOSIAir Force Office of Special Investigations
AMTRAKAMTRAK Police, National Railroad Passenger Corporation
AOUSCAdministration Offices of US Courts
APHISAnimal Plant Health Inspection Services (USDA)
ARTESIAFLETC Training Delivery Point
ATFAlcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
BEPBureau of Engraving and Printing
BIABureau of Indian Affairs
BLMBureau of Land Management
BOPBureau of Prisons
BORBureau of Reclamation (Hoover Dam)
CBPCustoms and Border Protection
CDCCenter For Disease Control
CHARLESTONFLETC Training Delivery Point
CHELTENHAMFLETC Training Delivery Point
CIACentral Intelligence Agency Police
CISUS Citizenship and Immigration Service
CLECUSAFConservation Law Enforcement Consortium US Air Force
CLECUSMCConservation Law Enforcement Consortium US Marine Corps
DACIDDepartment of the Army Criminal Investigation Division
DCISOIGDefense Criminal Investigative Service Office of Inspector General
DHSOIADepartment of Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis
DIADefense Intelligence Agency
DOCOEEDepartment of Commerce Office of Export Enforcement
DOCOSDepartment of Commerce Office of Security
DODCNICDepartment of Defense Navy Installations Command (CNIC)
DODDLADepartment of Defense Logistics Agency
DOEHHSOSODepartment of Energy, Health Safety and Security Office of Special Operations
DOEOST (NNSA)Department of Energy, Office of Secure Transportation
DOJOIGDepartment of Justice Office of Inspector General
DOLOLMSDepartment of Labor, Labor Management Standards
DSSDiplomatic Security Service
EPACIDEnvironmental Protection Agency Criminal Investigation Division
FAAFederal Aviation Administration
FAMSFederal Air Marshals Service (TSA)
FBI POLICEFederal Bureau of Investigation Police
FEMAOSFederal Emergency Management Agency, Office of Security
FINCENFinancial Crimes Enforcement Network
FPSFederal Protective Service
FRSFederal Reserve System
FWSLFish and Wildlife Service Law Enforcement
FWSRfish and Wildlife Service Refuge
GLYNCOFLETC Training Delivery Point
GPOPSGovernment Printing Office Police Service
HHSFDAHealth and Human Service Federal Drug Administration
HHSOIGHealth and Human Service Office of Inspector General
ICEUS Immigration and Customs Enforcement
ICECHASTONUS Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Charleston Site)
IGAInspector General Academy
IRSCInternal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation Division
ITTInternational Training
NCISNaval Criminal Investigation Service
NGIANational Geospatial Intelligence Agency
NIHNational Institutes of Health
NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology
NMFSNational Marine and Fisheries Service
NPSNational Park Service
NSANational Security Agency
PFPAPentagon Force Protection Agency
SISmithsonian Institute
SLRTTOffice of State, Local, Rural, Tribal Training
TIGTATreasury Inspector General of Tax Administration
TOFACTreasury Office of Foreign Assets Control
TSATransportation Security Administration
TVAPTennessee Valley Authority Police
USAI United States Army Intelligence
USBPUnited States Border Patrol
USCGUnited States Coast Guard
USCPUnited States Capital Police
USFSUnited States Forest Service
USMUnited States Mint Police
USMSUnited States Marshals Service
USPPUnited States Park Police
USSCUnited States Supreme Court
USSSUnited States Secret Service