Organization Acronym | Organization |
AFOSI | Air Force Office of Special Investigations |
AMTRAK | AMTRAK Police, National Railroad Passenger Corporation |
AOUSC | Administration Offices of US Courts |
APHIS | Animal Plant Health Inspection Services (USDA) |
ARTESIA | FLETC Training Delivery Point |
ATF | Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives |
BEP | Bureau of Engraving and Printing |
BIA | Bureau of Indian Affairs |
BLM | Bureau of Land Management |
BOP | Bureau of Prisons |
BOR | Bureau of Reclamation (Hoover Dam) |
CBP | Customs and Border Protection |
CDC | Center For Disease Control |
CHARLESTON | FLETC Training Delivery Point |
CHELTENHAM | FLETC Training Delivery Point |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency Police |
CIS | US Citizenship and Immigration Service |
CLECUSAF | Conservation Law Enforcement Consortium US Air Force |
CLECUSMC | Conservation Law Enforcement Consortium US Marine Corps |
DACID | Department of the Army Criminal Investigation Division |
DCISOIG | Defense Criminal Investigative Service Office of Inspector General |
DHSOIA | Department of Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis |
DIA | Defense Intelligence Agency |
DOCOEE | Department of Commerce Office of Export Enforcement |
DOCOS | Department of Commerce Office of Security |
DODCNIC | Department of Defense Navy Installations Command (CNIC) |
DODDLA | Department of Defense Logistics Agency |
DOEHHSOSO | Department of Energy, Health Safety and Security Office of Special Operations |
DOEOST (NNSA) | Department of Energy, Office of Secure Transportation |
DOJOIG | Department of Justice Office of Inspector General |
DOLOLMS | Department of Labor, Labor Management Standards |
DSS | Diplomatic Security Service |
EPACID | Environmental Protection Agency Criminal Investigation Division |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FAMS | Federal Air Marshals Service (TSA) |
FBI POLICE | Federal Bureau of Investigation Police |
FEMAOS | Federal Emergency Management Agency, Office of Security |
FINCEN | Financial Crimes Enforcement Network |
FPS | Federal Protective Service |
FRS | Federal Reserve System |
FWSL | Fish and Wildlife Service Law Enforcement |
FWSR | fish and Wildlife Service Refuge |
GLYNCO | FLETC Training Delivery Point |
GPOPS | Government Printing Office Police Service |
HHSFDA | Health and Human Service Federal Drug Administration |
HHSOIG | Health and Human Service Office of Inspector General |
ICE | US Immigration and Customs Enforcement |
ICECHASTON | US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Charleston Site) |
IGA | Inspector General Academy |
IRSC | Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation Division |
ITT | International Training |
NCIS | Naval Criminal Investigation Service |
NGIA | National Geospatial Intelligence Agency |
NIH | National Institutes of Health |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NMFS | National Marine and Fisheries Service |
NPS | National Park Service |
NSA | National Security Agency |
PFPA | Pentagon Force Protection Agency |
SI | Smithsonian Institute |
SLRTT | Office of State, Local, Rural, Tribal Training |
TIGTA | Treasury Inspector General of Tax Administration |
TOFAC | Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control |
TSA | Transportation Security Administration |
TVAP | Tennessee Valley Authority Police |
USAI | United States Army Intelligence |
USBP | United States Border Patrol |
USCG | United States Coast Guard |
USCP | United States Capital Police |
USFS | United States Forest Service |
USM | United States Mint Police |
USMS | United States Marshals Service |
USPP | United States Park Police |
USSC | United States Supreme Court |
USSS | United States Secret Service |