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FLETC Training Success

A photograph of FLETC Tactical Medical Training.
For Immediate Release

Emergency responders apply aide to victim during a Tactical Medical Training scenario. (Courtesy Photo)

Submitted by Trevor Woods

[The Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) provides training to students who will not only use what they learn to go forward in their jobs, but also in day-to-day, night-to-night, personal lifesaving experiences. Tactical Medicine (TacMed) is a component of one of the courses taught at FLETC. The submission below is from a former student, relayed in his own words, about how he was able to apply lifesaving measures in a situation.]

"My brother Cameron and I went through your TacMed for First Responders in Colorado at Flatrock Training Center in March. Shortly after we left your class, we responded to what we thought was a basic residential alarm call together, much like the ones we respond to on a daily basis."

Except, this was different.

"The father of the resident of the apartment was outside the apartment when we showed up. He said that son was supposed to come over for family dinner around 4 p.m., but had stopped answering phone calls earlier in the afternoon. Also, since his son suffered from PTSD and severe depression he was really worried."

Though the father had a key to the front door, it was chain-locked from the inside. All of the blinds were closed so no one could see inside of the apartment.

The father of the resident said he was going to find somebody with a saw so he could cut the chain, and we told him we couldn't help him break in, but we would remain in the area.

"I had a weird feeling about leaving, so Cameron and I stayed by the door. After a few moments of waiting, I decided to stick my phone and flashlight inside of the door and snapped a picture the best I could of the living room."

When they looked at the picture, they both agreed the living room floor appeared to have bloody footprints all over the area.

"We kicked the door open and found a pool of blood covering the kitchen floor, bloody footprints in the carpet, and blood all over the bathroom. When we made it into the bedroom, we found the resident hunched over in the corner. He had cuts on both of his wrists and a slash on his neck."

After a quick assessment, they decided the slash on his neck was most likely superficial and the cuts on his wrists needed immediate attention.

"We applied tourniquets to each arm and kept him awake until medical arrived. I opened my quick clot but ended up not using it because the bleeding was controlled."

"I was on a call the other day and the father ran into me again. He said his son is super happy to be alive and they were able to repair the tendons in both wrists. He is back to playing guitar and thankful for us busting his door down."


Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
Office of Public Affairs
Contact: 912-267-2447