Glynco, GA - Today the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) and its Partner Organizations helped provide a Christmas for area children who are part of the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) program. Employees purchased and wrapped hundreds of gifts for 132 children enrolled in the program. These gifts were presented to the CASA volunteers in a ceremony at the FLETC Chambliss Courtyard. This is the 18th year the FLETC organized this event.
The CASA is a non-profit organization of volunteers, who are assigned by the court as a child’s advocate in cases of abuse or neglect.
FLETC Director Connie Patrick said, “The FLETC family has sponsored more than 1,000 children since 1999.”
Connie Patrick, Director of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center; Carey Greenfield, CASA Glynn Executive Director; FLETC and Partner Organization employees; and area CASA employees and volunteers were in attendance.
The Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) is a non-profit organization of volunteers, who are assigned by the court as a child’s advocate in cases of abuse or neglect.
CASA trains community volunteers who are appointed by a juvenile or family court judge to speak for the best interest of abused and neglected children in court. CASA volunteers are ordinary citizens who undergo a thorough training course by the local CASA program. The CASA concept is based on the commitment that every child has the right to a safe, permanent home.
Volunteers have three roles: serve as a fact-finder for the judge by thoroughly researching the background of each assigned case; speak for the child in the courtroom, representing the child’s best interest; and continue to monitor the situation during the life of the case, ensuring that it is brought to a swift and appropriate conclusion.
Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
Protocol & Communications Office
Contact: 912-267-2447