GLYNCO, Ga. - Recently, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC), in coordination with the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD), provided its first ever Critical Incident Response Training (CIRT) to 30 Kentucky law enforcement officers. The FLETC CIRT program is designed to provide first responding officers critical incident training and uses dynamic, interactive drills and real-world scenario-based training. FLETC is implementing these personalized CIRT trainings to deliver unique and tailored training experiences for law enforcement officers in their specific geographic areas.

“FLETC works closely with our state and local law enforcement partners to design programs to fit their unique training needs and challenges. Our long-standing partnership with Louisville Metropolitan Police enables us to validate training and its application in real-world environments,” said Associate Director of Training Operations Ariana Roddini. “I am grateful for the dedication of the FLETC and Louisville Metropolitan Police trainers who have worked together to create this exceptional training experience to meet the ever-changing needs of the law enforcement community.”
LMPD voluntarily partnered with FLETC in an effort to maximize the learning experience for the officers. The training took place at numerous training venues throughout Louisville to best recreate real-world scenarios. The training was offered to law enforcement officers from the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD), the Bullitt County Sheriff’s Office, the Avon Police Department, the Baltimore County Police Department, the Allen Police Department, the Department of Criminal Justice Training, and the Kentucky State Fair Police Board.

FLETC designed the CIRT program to encourage law enforcement officers to utilize critical thinking in order to mitigate a threat and develop an immediate response plan for additional incoming officers and command. CIRT is an intensive tactical program focusing on individual and team movement, operational formation, and nighttime and low-light operations within various venues. FLETC can coordinate with agencies to tailor this training to meet their specific needs from a training, policy, regional, and cultural standpoint.

“LMPD has been able to be a part of top-tier training as the hosting partner for FLETC’s CIRT course. Members from across the department have been able to practice critical thinking and decision-making while being placed under intense stress,” said Training Division Commander Major David Allen. “Training like this is integral to the readiness of LMPD and our ability to serve our community at the highest level possible. We are very appreciative of our partners at FLETC for helping to make this class possible and to our local partners who also assisted and learned alongside us.”
A component of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, FLETC provides career-long training to law enforcement professionals to help them fulfill their responsibilities safely and proficiently. Through strategic partnerships, FLETC prepares the federal, state and local law enforcement community to safeguard America’s people, property, and institutions.

Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
Office of Public Affairs
Contact: 912-267-2447