The Digital Forensics Examiner Program (DF-E), formerly Seized Computer Evidence Recovery Specialist (SCERS), is a ten (10) day training program which teaches fundamental forensic analysis techniques for the following operating systems: Microsoft Windows, iOS, and Android. Students will conduct RAM capture analysis and will evaluate and document social media artifacts. At the conclusion of this two-week program, the training participant will have demonstrated, through the successful completion of a practical exercise, that he/she has a functional knowledge of Forensic Analysis of Digital Data in a Windows Environment. The objectives will be addressed through lecture, discussion, labs and practical exercise, and demonstrations of relevant techniques.
Applicant must be a law enforcement officer/agent, Direct Law Enforcement Support Personnel (DLESP) or employees of a federal, state, local, tribal or international agency that conducts functions directly related to a law enforcement or Department of Homeland Security (DHS) mission. Applicant must have successfully completed Digital Forensics Investigator 2 (DFI-2), or equivalent. Applicant should have experience with Microsoft Windows OS and the forensic imaging process, as we will be examining previously acquired evidence files.
Required Training Materials
Program Syllabus/Curriculum
- Cell Phone Investigations.
- Data Acquisition.
- How Cell Phones Work.
- Cell Phone Technology.
- Mapping Software.
- Cellular Forensics Software.
- External Media collection/imaging/reporting.
- Identifying legal issues in mobile forensics.
Program Contact Info
Glynco: (912) 267-3447
State and Local: (912) 261-4566