Kelly D. Dixon

On January 2, 2024, Kelly Dixon was designated as the Acting Assistant Director of the Training Management Operations Directorate. As the AD, he provides oversight and strategic direction to six training and administration divisions across FLETC’s four training sites.
Since November 2023, Kelly D. Dixon was the Deputy Assistant Director (DAD) of the Training Management Operations Directorate.
Mr. Dixon has served as the Division Chief of the Firearms Division. He was responsible for the development and delivery of basic and advanced firearms programs to federal, state, local, tribal, and international law enforcement agencies. Mr. Dixon managed eight operational branches, 15 indoor and outdoor ranges, multiple virtual simulation venues, and 3 state of the art virtual ranges, and all accompanying resources. He managed a staff of approximately 140 people from 15 different agencies.
Mr. Dixon has been with the FLETC since 2002. He began his career with the FLETC in the Firearms Division in 2002, teaching in basic and advanced programs. Mr. Dixon moved to the Physical Techniques Division in 2003 where he taught and managed basic and advanced programs and last served as the Physical Techniques Division Chief from 2018-2023.
Mr. Dixon began his Law Enforcement career within the United States Air Force. He then worked with Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) Training Operations where he last served as a Regional Supervisor of Training Operations, leading the Firearms and Defensive Tactics Instructor programs. During his time with GDC, he served in the Tactical Operations units and served on the State Olympic Law Enforcement Command Staff and GDC Tactical Command Staff.
Mr. Dixon is a graduate of Troy University and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice.